Delivery & Payment

Salam and thank you for visiting our store! Please note that ALL of our custom engraved products take approximately 5-7 working days to complete and we ship them via Singpost Courier Services

 Location Est Delivery Time
Asia - Pacific (incl Turkey) 2-3 days after Completion
Europe and USA 4-5 days after completion
International 9-10 days after completion

It takes about 5-7 working days for us to complete the engraving. Please leave your Whatsapp number so we can send you a picture of your finished item before shipping. Please also order early if you are getting it as a gift..

Payment is through Stripe. We do not store any payment details. Please refer to our privacy policy for your reference.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us!
Message us on Whatsapp!

We operate from 11am-11pm (GMT+8).

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